Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Face Masks for Spring Cleaning

Have you done your spring cleaning yet??? Do you have a cute mask to protect you from free floating bacteria and all kinds of filthiness? If not, look no further! Heavenly Skull has got you covered! These cotton double layered face masks were made to shield your nose and mouth from nasty dust, bacteria, dust mites, and the like. AND they're pretty darn cute to boot! These washable double layered masks were designed for easier breathing and protection. Compared to the store bought paper mask, these masks are not limited to cleaning, but could also be used to prevent sickness while you're out and about, spreading it to others, or could just be used as a cool mask for all you one of a kind quirky individuals. For all you domestic divas out there, this practical and stylish mask is for you! This wife, mother of three, and cat owner, was pretty happy she used one of these nifty masks to get the job done!

Need a custom mask? Heavenly Skull will cater to your masking needs! Comment your idea! This is Michelle L. aka one of Naomi's little sisters. Pleased to meet all of you Heavenly Skull followers! Well I better get back to cleaning! Over and out!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Goody Bags for the Crafty Chica Art Cruise

Most of you know that I had the privilege to go on this cruise a few years back in 2010. It was so much crafty fun! Well, I just found out that this year is the last year Kathy is doing it. If you've ever wanted to go, they have very few openings left! Find out more here: http://craftychicacruise.blogspot.com/2012/06/introducing-7th-annual-crafty-chica-art.html

Heavenly Skull and Beenznrice put together some crafty goody bags for the cruisers. Nothing to fancy, just some odds and ends from Heavenly Skull's destash! Fellow crafters out there, you know that sometimes an odd or an end is exactly what you need!

Have fun all you cruisers! Wish I could be with you out there on the open sea playing with glue and glitter. :)

<3 naomi="">